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Take part in the 2019 textile art contest!

Concorso internazionale_soggetto natura_1

There is no Verona Textile Festival without our international contest and we are ready to receive your precious works.

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International Contest:
and the winner is…

Premiazione concorso internazionale

On Sunday 23rd of April the jury, composed of Sara Casol, Patrizia Girlanda and Laura Armiraglio, of the International Textile Arts Contest named “Amore, il filo rosso che unisce“ met and elected the winners.

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His majesty the Hexagon


During the Verona Textile Festival/Verona Tessile Festival, the exhibition of Ad Maiora’s members will be dedicated to “His Majesty the Hexagon”, always considered one of the favourite shapes by quilters all over the world.

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Organized by
Associazione Ad Maiora
Comune di Verona - Cultura